LG Electronics release a GSM stylish phone with clamshell design, it called LG Aries KP210, features of this phone are Dual band GSM, VGA camera, 2 LCD screen (TFT and cSTN) as internal and external display
Here’s detailed of LG KP210:
-Cell Network: GSM 850/1900 Mhz
-Dimensions: 89x46.5x18 mm
-Weight: 80 g
-Main Display: TFT 128x160 pixels, 260Kcolors
-External Display: cSTN, 96x64 pixels, 65K colors
-Sound: 40 tones polyphony, mp3 ringtones, voice recorder
-Built in VGA camera
-Integrated Games
-Alarm Clock. Notes, calculator, stopwatch, world time